Ramona and Her Mother

Ramona and Her Mother

by Beverly Cleary
Publisher: HarperCollins
Trade Paperback, 224 pages
Price: $7.99
Used Price: $3.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Now in the second grade, Ramona becomes jealous of her mother and Beezus, because they seem to share things she can't, like sewing and cooking. She's too young to stay home alone but tired of going to the Kemp's after school. At home, her parents are arguing, and the girls worry about who will take care of them if they get a divorce. Eventually Ramona learns that her family has problems like everyone else's, but they still love each other.

At 7 and a half, with working parents and a sister at "a difficult age," Ramona Quimby tries hard to do her part to keep family peace. Usually, however, she ends up behind every uproarious incident in the house. Whether she's dying herself blue, watching while her young neighbor flings Kleenex around the house, or wearing her soft new pajamas to school one day (under her clothes, of course), Ramona's life is never dull. Through it all, she is struggling for a place in her mother's heart, worried that she might be unlovable. Not a chance. Ramona Quimby is nothing if not lovable.

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