Punctuation Takes a Vacation

Punctuation Takes a Vacation

by Robin Pulver
Publisher: Holiday House
Trade Paperback, 28 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79

Robin Pulver's clever picture book, illustrated with Lynn Rowe Reed's vibrant, child-like acrylic paintings, shows youngsters exactly what would happen if there were no punctuation marks. Mr. Wright's class discovers the value of punctuation and just how difficult life can be without the little fellows.

Feeling distinctly unappreciated, the commas, question marks, periods, and apostrophes take a well-deserved vacation to Take-a-Break Lake, leaving the school in big trouble. Mr. Wright and his charges find that "Nothing makes sense without punctuation." The punctuation marks finally return, and the book ends with a list of punctuation rules.

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