One Crazy Summer

One Crazy Summer

by Rita Williams-Garcia
Publisher: Amistad Press
Reprint, ©2012, ISBN: 9780060760908
Trade Paperback, 218 pages
List Price: $9.99 Sale Price: $8.49

Historical Setting: Oakland, California, 1968

Eleven-year-old Delphine is like a mother to her two younger sisters, Vonetta and Fern. She's had to be, ever since their mother, Cecile, left them seven years ago for a radical new life in California. When they arrive from Brooklyn to spend the summer with her, Cecile is nothing like they imagined. While the girls hope to go to Disneyland and meet Tinker Bell, their mother sends them to a day camp run by the Black Panthers. Unexpectedly, Delphine, Vonetta, and Fern learn much about their family, their country, and themselves during one truly crazy summer.

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