Of Other Worlds

Of Other Worlds

by C. S. Lewis
Publisher: HarperOne
Reissue, ©2017, ISBN: 9780062643544
Trade Paperback, 256 pages
List Price: $13.99 Sale Price: $11.89

With characteristic warmth and perspicacity that never fail to engage his audience, C. S. Lewis assumes the roles of both critic and writer in this varied collection. Here Lewis extols the virtues of Story, an element often neglected by critics, as well as discussing the kinds of stories dear to him—especially those found in children's books and fantasies. And, in a rare moment, the author writes about his own work, particularly The Chronicles of Narnia and his science fiction trilogy.

All of the contained essays are included in the volume On Stories (which has eleven additional essays), but in this volume the essays are followed by three science fiction stories and the first five chapters of a novel based on Greek legend, left incomplete at the time of the author's death. The stories may all be found in The Dark Tower and other stories, so this volume could be skipped if you have those.




  1. On Stories
  2. On Three Ways of Writing for Children
  3. Sometimes Fairy Stories May Say Best What's to Be Said
  4. On Juvenile Tastes
  5. It All Began with a Picture
  6. On Criticism
  7. On Science Fiction
  8. A Reply to Professor Haldane
  9. Unreal Estates

PART TWO: Stories

  1. The Shoddy Lands
  2. Ministering Angels
  3. Forms of Things Unknown
  4. After Ten Years

Notes on After Ten Years

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