My Heart Lies South

My Heart Lies South

The Story of My Mexican Marriage

by Elizabeth Borton de Trevino
©1953, Item: 93071
Hardcover, 248 pages
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In Mexico any exchange of pleasantries between the sexes leads either to the altar or to bullets: But Elizabeth Borton did not realize this when she went south of the border on a week's newspaper assignment. Unknowingly she danced an entire evening with charming Luis Treviño. Innocently she visited his parents and tasted Mamacita's dainty cookies and a thimbleful of sweet vermouth. All Monterrey knew what this must mean. Only Elizabeth was surprised to find herself engaged and to return there one year later as Luis' bride.

Things were tense, at first, at 829 Morelos Street. Custom-bound provincial Mexico was strange indeed to an American bride. There was the bitter battle of the gasta, the daily housekeeping allowance, to be fought and won. There were rigid rules for formal entertaining which she mastered only after many a disastrous faux pas. Instead of a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, or a supermarket, there were the temperamental servants—Teresa, Josefina, and Maria—to be comforted and cajoled.

In no time at all Luis was accusing Elizabeth of wanting to be independent, a privilege forbidden to Mexican wives. It was from tiny,  indomitable Mamacita that she was to learn the subtle technique of iron rule practiced by docile Mexican wives—an artistic manipulation of the emotions, sprinkled liberally with jealousy!

Today a full-fledged señora, Mrs. Treviño has come to know and understand a world where the clock still points to the 1800's. My Heart Lies South is a gay, affectionate re-creation of marriage in Mexico as she has come to live and love it.

from the dust jacket

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