Martyr's Victory

Martyr's Victory

A Story of Danish England

Emma Leslie Church History Series
by Emma Leslie
Publisher: Salem Ridge Press
Trade Paperback, 266 pages
List Price: $14.95 Sale Price: $12.71

Historical Setting: Danish England in 879 - 883 A.D.

Knowing full well they may die in the attempt, a small band of monks sets out to convert the savage Danes who have laid waste to the surrounding countryside year after year. The monks’ faith is sorely tested as they face opposition from the angry Priest of Odin as well as doubts, sickness and starvation, but their leader, Osric, is unwavering in his attempts to share the “White Christ” with those who reject Him. Then the monks discover a young Christian woman who has escaped being sacrificed to the Danish gods—can she help reach those who had enslaved her and tried to kill her?

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