Mailing May

Mailing May

by Michael O. Tunnell, Ted Rand (Illustrator)
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Hardcover, 32 pages
Current Retail Price: $15.89
Used Price: $5.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

There’s nothing May wants more that to visit her Grandma Mary. Only problem is, Grandma Mary lives all the way in Idaho, and May’s parents don’t have money from a train ticket, even for one person. However, they do have just enough money to mail a package. Much to the surprise of the conductor, the mail carrier, and May herself, May’s coat is stamped and she is sent off to Idaho, classified as a package. This fascinating tale is based on a true story, and is a testimony to the resourcefulness and creativity of the people living in the early twentieth century.

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