Little Toot

Little Toot

by Hardie Gramatky
Publisher: Penguin Putnam
Trade Paperback, 96 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

Little Toot is the son of Big Toot, the strongest, toughest tugboat in the harbor. But Little Toot isn’t interested in pulling ships in like his father. He prefers making figure 8s in the water to hard work. But when all the other tugboats start laughing at him for being the frivolous little tugboat he is, Little Toot decides to change his tune and become a hardworking tugboat. Only problem is, everyone is so used to Little Toot’s immature antics that they won’t even let him try to be hardworking and only laugh at him more. Depressed and distraught, Little Toot floats aimlessly down the river, and doesn’t realize that he is floating right out to sea - and right out to a stranded ship that needs his help! Can Little Toot save the ship and earn respect from the other tugboats?

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Summary: Little Toot learns the value of hard work when he gets an opportunity to pull in a stranded ship.

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