Little House in the Big Woods

Little House in the Big Woods

Little House Series #1
by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Publisher: HarperCollins
Full Color, ©2004, ISBN: 9780060581800
Trade Paperback, 256 pages
List Price: $12.99 Sale Price: $11.04

In this, the first book of the famous Little House series, you can meet Laura Ingalls, the little girl who would grow up to write them. And for the first time in their history, this edition features Garth Williams’ interior art in vibrant, full color, as well as a beautifully redesigned cover.

Wolves and panthers roam the deep Wisconsin woods in the late 1870s. In those same woods, Laura lives with Pa and Ma, and her sisters Mary and baby Carrie, in a snug little house built of logs. Pa hunts and traps. Ma makes her own cheese and butter. All night long, the wind howls lonesomely, but the Pa plays the fiddle and sings, keeping the family safe and cozy.

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Summary: Laura lives in a little house in a big wood with her Pa and Ma and sisters Mary and Carrie.

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