Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe TOS

Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe TOS

Chronicles of Narnia Book 2
by C. S. Lewis, Pauline D. Baynes (Illustrator)
Publisher: HarperCollins
Trade Paperback, 189 pages
List Price: $11.99 Sale Price: $10.19

Published in 1950, this is the first book that Lewis wrote in his acclaimedChronicles of Narniaseries, but chronologically, it comes afterThe Magician's Nephewand is typically labeled #2. If you're reading the series for the first time, we recommend you start here!

During World War II, four children, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, are sent to stay at the country home of an old professor. During a game of hide-and-seek, Lucy steps into a wardrobe, only there seems to be no end to it. Just when she thinks she's found the back she steps out into a wintry forest—and the land of Narnia! There she meets a Faun named Tumnus who tells her how the White Witch has used her magic to make it always winter in Narnia, but never Christmas. She returns home to tell the rest of the children about Narnia, but when they check out her story, the magic wardrobe appears to be normal.

Later, attempting to hide from the housekeeper, all four children enter the wardrobe—and find themselves in Narnia. There they learn that the White Witch has arrested Tumnus because of his kindness to Lucy. They also learn that the Witch seeks to capture the four children, whose presence in Narnia, according to an old Narnian prophecy, signals the end of her reign.

While the Witch races to capture the children, the children hurry to meet Aslan, the rightful ruler of Narnia. Aslan has returned to release Narnia from the Witch's magical winter. Though Aslan's victory seems certain, the Witch has a few tricks up her sleeve, and the price of saving Narnia from total destruction is beyond what the children can imagine.

This trade paperback edition includes the original illustrations by Pauline Baynes, but in color!

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FLAWS: Fighting/violence, attitude
Summary: Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy stumble into Narnia and aid Aslan in freeing Narnia from the White Witch.

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  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Lauren of Salem, OR, 6/6/2016
Everyone's library should contain a copy of this book! Filled with imaginary creatures and wild adventure, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe tells the story of four children and their first experience in a magical land called Narnia. It all begins when Lucy first peeks into an aged Wardrobe... Thoughtfully crafted, this second book in the Chronicles of Narnia series will entertain readers of all ages.