Let's Visit Brazil

Let's Visit Brazil

by John C. Caldwell
Updated, ©1968, Item: 89314
Library Binding, 96 pages
Used Price: $9.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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In Let's Visit Brazil, John C. Caldwell explores our important South American neighbor in text and in pictures. He writes of the discovery of Brazil, made by Portuguese explorers trying to reach the spices of the Indies. He tells of the settlers and the "Banner Bearers" who pushed into the interior much as the covered wagon trains penetrated the American West. He describes the time when Brazil was the seat of the throne of Portugal, and the period of almost seventy years when the nation had its own emperors.

The author takes us to a coffee plantation in the state of São Paulo, whose capital is now Brazil's largest city and where a new building is completed every ten minutes. He describes Rio de Janeiro, whose beauty is known to many North American tourists. And he tells about Brasilia, the new capital city being built in the undeveloped interior.

The people of Brazil are much like North Americans in variety of background. There are descendants of pioneer families who came to the New World centuries ago. There are immigrants and refugees who have come to the country in recent years. Among Brazilians are people of Japanese, Negro, Hungarian, Portuguese, German, and Italian ancestry.

Let's Visit Brazil is the first of several titles on South American countries in the popular "Let's Visit" Series. Mr. Caldwell made two trips to South America in 1960-61, traveling extensively from Patagonia through the length of the continent.

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