Kiss is Round

Kiss is Round

by Blossom Budney, Vladimir Bobri (Illustrator)
1971 printing, ©1954, Item: 88461
Hardcover, 32 pages
Used Price: $14.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

A kiss is round
    and so is a hug
The rim of a glass
    and the lid of a jug
Round is an O
    when you say it or write it
Round is a cookie
    until you bite it

Even three year olds will see the joke about the cookie and understand perfectly that "turning wheels make a go-around sound." Older children will let their imaginations travel a little farther in thinking about shapes of things, in the world that is round.

Vladimir Bobri has used all the colors in the palette for his illustrations, beautifully designed to capture the roundness and the spontaneity of Blossom Budney's gay and rhyming text.

--From the dust jacket

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