Journeys to the Edge of Creation DVD

Journeys to the Edge of Creation DVD

by Moody Video
Publisher: Moody Press
Current Retail Price: $29.99
Used Price: $9.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

This DVD set includes fascinating discoveries about our solar system, the Milky Way, and beyond. Enjoy stunning images of the world beyond us without having to the comforts of your own environment. In this series, you will learn that no world is beyond God, and that His truth is still the truth that will ultimately answer the deepest mysteries of space.

Our Solar System
As mankind pushes further and further into space, we seem to be learning new things about our solar system. But you will be reminded of the questions that only God can answer as you are swept away by the beautiful power images of the world outside of our own.

The Milky Way & Beyond
As we look upward into the expance of the night sky, we share thoughts of awe and admiration with Abraham, David and others in the pages of Scripture. There is a Master Creator, and this universe is the work of His hands.

Approximate Running Time: 40 minutes each DVD in a 2 DVD set.

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