Indian Hill

Indian Hill

by Clyde Robert Bulla, James Spanfeller (Illustrator)
Hardcover, 74 pages
Used Price: $6.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The books in this section are usually hardcover and in decent shape, though we'll sometimes offer hard-to-find books in lesser condition at a reduced price. Though we often put images of the book with their original dust jackets, the copies here won't always (or even often) have them. If that is important to you, please call ahead or say so in the order comments! 

Kee Manygoats lived on an Indian reservation with his mother and father. Then his family moved from their goan to an apartment in the city and Kee was very unhappy. The city was strange and ugly, and it was hard to get used to the bright lights and strange smells.

Kee's mother didn't like the city either, so Kee and his mother returned to the reservation. But it was Kee, finally, who altered his mother's attitude toward living in the city.

With simple, direct dialogue, Mr. Bulla tells this story of an Indian boy and his difficult acceptance of life in the city. But Kee's story is also about the relations of a boy and his family, and Kee is any boy discovering beauty around him.

Mr. Bulla has become a favorite with children everywhere. In Indian Hill he captures once again the essence of childhood. James J. Spanfeller's drawings portray the gentleness and strength of Kee and his family, and enhance this story, which is told straight from the heart of a gifted author.

—from the dust jacket

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