If I Were a Bird

If I Were a Bird

by Gladys Conklin, Artur Marokvia (illustrator)
Publisher: Holiday House
©1965, Item: 88284
Library Binding, 40 pages
Used Price: $11.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

"If I were a bird, I could whistle or call or sing better than I can now." The little boy who speaks the words of this book is watching and listening with beginning awareness to common birds. Through his imaginative thoughts, the author expresses the fun of many children with whom she has shared similar activities.

Bird songs and calls that children enjoy and can easily learn to recognize are the main theme of the book. The calls are represented by musical notes in the pictures, which beautifully and accurately picture 27 birds in their natural surroundings. Also included are outstanding characteristics of different birds. These are presented the way a curious young observer might discover them for himself. The last pages illustrate various bird feathers and tell how to start a feather collection.

—From the dust jacket

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