How God Stopped the Pirates

How God Stopped the Pirates

by Joel R. Beeke, Diana Kleyn
Mass market paperback, 165 pages
Current Retail Price: $8.99
Used Price: $4.00 (3 in stock) Condition Policy

The themes of the second book in this series are Missionary tales and remarkable conversions. Other themes covered in the series are Living for God and the value of scripture Missionary Tales and Remarkable Conversions; Honouring God and Dramatic Deliverances; Faithful Witnesses and Childhood Faith. Joel Beeke and Diana Kleyn have taken a selection of real life incidents and fictional narratives and developed them into a series of devotional books for children aged 712. Scriptural references throughout the book use the King James Version of the Bible and the questions are also based on this version. The stories themselves include a good mixture of historical adventure, childhood experiences, remarkable instances of conversion and dramatic, edge of your seat, rescues from danger.

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