

by Jeanette Ingold
Publisher: Harcourt
Trade Paperback, 288 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79
Used Price: $3.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

To help his family during the Depression and avoid becoming a drunk like his father, Moss Trawnley joins the Civilian Conservation Corps, helps build a new camp near Monroe, Montana, and leads the other men in making the camp a success.

Teenager Moss Trawnleyis in desperate need of work, and so he decides to headout west as a member of Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps to help protect Montana’s wildlife from devastating erosion and wildfires. Despite the grueling work, Moss has time to play baseball,make lifelong friends, and rediscover what he almost lost in the Great Depression: himself.Bringing an important era of U.S. history to life, this rivetingcoming-of-age story will appeal to any teen who has dreamed of adventure and survival in the great outdoors.

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