He Went with Vasco da Gama

He Went with Vasco da Gama

by Louise Andrews Kent
Publisher: Living Book Press
2022 Reprint, ©1938, ISBN: 9781922919007
Print-on-demand paperback, 245 pages
List Price: $15.99 Sale Price: $13.59

Two boys are said to have sailed with Vasco da Gama on his great voyage of discovery to the Indies. Around these boys Mrs. Kent has written a fascinating story of the voyage: the watches kept in that daring sail across an unknown ocean, unceasing battles with the winds, storms, and contrary currents, fights against the natives, and mutiny.

In 'Two Children of Tyre' young readers traveled about the Mediterranean with the boy hero. In 'He Went with Marco Polo,' they followed Tonio to China. In 'He Went with Vasco da Gama' they sail around Africa to India. Mrs. Kent's careful researches into the records of Vasco da Gama make it possible for her to tell an accurate story against its true colorful background in a way interesting to boy boys and girls ten to fourteen.

From the original dust jacket

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