Hardy Boys #19 (matte)

Hardy Boys #19 (matte)

Disappearing Floor

by Franklin W. Dixon
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
©1964, Item: 68136
Hardcover, 192 pages
Used Price: $3.60 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

This revised vintage edition has the white and black picture end pages.

Once again Frank and Joe Hardy take on a puzzling case when their famous detective father asks the boys to assist him in tracking down a notorious jewel thief and his accomplices. The trail leads to the outskirts of the Hardys home town and to a weirdly guarded mansion on the old Perth estate. With their pal Chet Morton, the brothers must tackle the mystery of the mansion heir s sudden death. A disappearing floor, a huge, savage-looking, hound, a galloping ghost, and a college professor s startling invention are just a few of the strange elements that complicate the boys efforts to solve both mysteries

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