Happy Hollisters and the Mystery of the Little Mermaid

Happy Hollisters and the Mystery of the Little Mermaid

Happy Hollisters #18
by Jerry West
Publisher: Doubleday & Company
©1960, Item: 29600
Hardcover, 184 pages
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Please note! Though our stock image shows the dust jacket, many copies of these vintage books no longer have them. Our price is reduced when these are missing. 

While winging their way to Denmark, the Hollister family become friendly with a member of the Queen of Denmark's staff. She is bringing home the Queen's own valuable reproduction of the "Little Mermaid," the famous statue that overlooks the harbor in Copenhagen.

While she is showing the Hollisters the little figurine, another passenger expresses interest in seeing this rare treasure. His interest, however, strikes the five Hollister children as being more than just enthusiasm for the beauty and workmanship of the figurine. In the excitement of preparing to land at the Copenhagen airport, he is forgotten until, upon landing, the figurine is found to be missing. From then on the Hollisters find themselves becoming more and more involved with the strange man with the beard and his rather peculiar activities.Much to the Hollister's surprise, they find not only is the figurine an object of mystery, but the trail of the bearded man is leading them to a ring of international thieves and their search for a bejeweled treasure, hidden centuries ago.

The Hollisters finally discover a clue to this treasure from the study of the history of the ship models, hung in the churches of Denmark to honor lost seamen. This Hollister story should be a fine addition to the series, since it is the first time the Hollisters have traveled outside of the Western Hemisphere

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