Guns for General Washington

Guns for General Washington

A Story of the American Revolution

by Seymour Reit
Publisher: Harcourt
Mass market paperback, 142 pages
List Price: $9.99 Sale Price: $8.49
Used Price: $3.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: New York, Massachusetts, 1775-1776 A. D.

Nineteen-year-old Will Knox is frustrated with life in General Washington's army. The men have been under siege for months, and now fighting is at a standstill because of the bitter winter cold. Even worse, the Americans have no artillery with which to defend themselves against the British navy. But Will's brother, Henry, devises a daring plan: They will trek across three hundred miles of dangerous mountain wilderness to bring 183 cannons from Fort Ticonderoga back to Boston. General Washington's officers say the journey is impossible. But as rumors of a British offensive fly, Will and Henry spur on the men who have bravely joined them, hoping to arrive in Boston in time to win the battle for the Americans.

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