Golden Plate

Golden Plate

by Bernadette Watts
Publisher: NorthSouth
Hardcover, 32 pages
List Price: $17.95 Sale Price: $15.26

While Isobel is playing with her best friend’s beautiful store-bought Doll’s House, she becomes intrigued by one of her friend’s toys—a small golden plate. But when Isobel takes the golden plate home without asking for permission, she gets more than she bargained for: the plate doesn’t look right in her handmade Doll’s House, and she feels guilty for having taken her friend’s toy. Isobel’s supportive mother helps her find a solution that makes Isobel feel better. And on Isobel’s next birthday, she is rewarded for following her heart. Bernadette Watts’s colorful, delicate illustrations are filled with wonderful details in this charming and thought-provoking story about friendship, sharing, and feelings.

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