Girl of the Limberlost

Girl of the Limberlost

by Gene Stratton-Porter
Publisher: Dover Publications
Trade Paperback, 479 pages
List Price: $9.99 Sale Price: $8.49

There it stood in a bank window in big black letters staring straight at her:

"Wanted: Caterpillars. Cocoons. Chrysalides. Pupae cases. Butterflies. Moths. Indian relics of all kinds. Highest scale of prices paid in cash."

Elnora caught the wicket at the cashier's desk with both hands to brace herself against disappointment. "Who is it wants to buy cocoons, butterflies, and moths?" she panted.

"The Bird Woman," answered the cashier. "Have you some for sale?"

Of all the books written by Hoosier writers, Gene Stratton-Porter's A Girl of the Limberlost is unquestionably the most cherished. It is the timeless story of an impoverished young girl, Elnora Comstock, growing up on the edge of the Limberlost swamp. In order to pay for her education, she collects and sells moths.

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Exodus Rating
Summary: Elnora Comstock looks for love and understanding in this classic tale of a young woman coming of age beside Indiana's Limberlost swamp.

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