Gift of the Magi

Gift of the Magi

by O. Henry, Kevin King (Illustrator)
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy
One dollar and eighty-seven cents.
That was all. And sixty cents of it was in
pennies.... Three times Della counted it.
One dollar and eighty-seven cents.
And the next day would be Christmas.

In this beloved story, a man and woman each long to bring home just the right gift for the other. But with so little money, how can there be hope? The poignant twists and heartwarming conclusion of this perfect plum of a story help explain the lasting appeal of this most American of authors.Writing under the famous pseudonym 0. Henry, William Sydney Porter breathed life into characters, creating moments that touch readers with their sensitivity and humanity. He portrayed lovelorn cowboys and headstrong urbanites with the same authentic touch, using sympathy, irony, and the wit for which he is justly famous.

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