Frankenstein - Annotated

Frankenstein - Annotated

The Modern Prometheus

The World View Library
by Mary Wolstonecraft Shelley, Ben Quine (Annotater)
©2007, Item: 58558
Print-on-demand paperback, 266 pages
Current Retail Price: $10.00
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy
A study of human nature - a new creation turned monster by the forces of society. Is this the current view of man? Is this the correct view of man?

Dr. Victor Frankenstein began his studies with excitement, hope, and anticipation, but he would have never guessed that his extraordinary discoveries would lead him to question nearly every thought and action he once took for granted...

 This Worldview Library Edition of a timeless classic includes annotated student helps that deepen the reader's understanding of the profound concepts presented in Mary Shelley's unabridged masterwork, Frankenstein.

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