First Four Years

First Four Years

Little House Series #9
by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Garth Williams (Illustrator)
Publisher: HarperCollins
Trade Paperback, 134 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

Laura and Almanzo Wilder have just been married! Their new life on a small prairie homestead begins with high hopes. But each year seems to bring unexpected disasters—storms, sickness, fire, and unpaid debts. These first four years call for courage, strength and a great deal of determination. Always, though, there is love, especially for the newest member of the family—baby Rose.

Used copies may have an older gingham cover design.

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Summary: The first four years of Laura and Almanzo's marriage is full of troubles, but also full of joy.

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  The Laura Years
Margaret, Age 8 of Missouri, 8/11/2016
Laura was a good woman who was married to Almanzo Wilder.
When she was still young she had a baby girl named Rose.
When she was older she got diphtheria.
Then she had a baby boy, and I thought it was sad when he died of spasms.