Faerie Gold

Faerie Gold

Treasures From the Lands of Enchantment

Classics for Young Readers
by Kathryn Lindskoog (Editor), Ranelda Mack Hunsicker (Editor)
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Trade Paperback, 304 pages
List Price: $17.99 Sale Price: $15.29

Between the covers of this book are many gateways to magical places. Go where you like and leave when you want to. Take the doors you choose in any order you wish.

"C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien affirmed the power of fairy stories to educate the imagination and moral sensibility. Faerie Gold is a magnificent testimonial to the correctness of their judgment. This is first and foremost a book for children. But as all the greatest writers of fairy stories have insisted, adults never tire of the really great fairy stories. In addition to the anthology of classic fairy tales, the editors crowned their achievement with two sections that make it even more of a treasure—an essay defending fantasy and fairy stories and a collection of choice quotations on those same subjects." —Leland Ryken

These treasured stories will appeal to your imagination, while directing your heart and mind toward truth and integrity.

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  Loved This Book
Happy Homemaker of Oregon, 12/27/2011
Upon opening this book I was delighted to discover a collection of fantasy stories that I'd never seen before. Unlike a lot of myths, these don't end in hopeless tragedy, but they also aren't mindless fluff. Each is thoroughly engaging, with a subtle moral often wrapped up with the satisfying (though not always predictable) ending.
This would also be a great read-aloud.