Dog for Davie's Hill

Dog for Davie's Hill

by Clare Bice
Publisher: Macmillan
©1956, Item: 62308
Hardcover, 120 pages
Used Price: $4.80 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

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Davie Mathieson was asked to take care of the dog Fly. Fly could help Moss and Sweep, the sheep dogs, on the hill, and Davie planned to train him for the Trials. Davie was thrilled when Fly placed first in the Novice Class at the August Trials. But it was bad luck too, because Davie lost Fly to Sandy Big Alec through a kind of trick. The story reaches an exciting climax when Davie helps to capture sheep stealers at Craig Dhu and he and Fly prove to everybody that they belong together


Everyone laughed at the old beggar Billy Bayne who sang Scotch songs and talked of the days of Bonnie Prince Charlie. But Davie Mathieson one morning shared his lunch with him, largely because of the hungry little dog old Billy had on a rope. "A bonnie wee dog, but dreadful thin," thought Davie.

Davie was surprised and delighted a few days later when old Billy, who was ill, asked him to take care of his dog Fly. Fly could help Moss and Sweep, the sheep dogs, on the hill, and Davie planned to train him for the Trials. Every day they ran out on the moors and up to Craig Dhu.

Fly was mischievous and learned slowly, but Davie was patient and how thrilled he was when Fly placed first in the Novice Class at the August Trials.

But it was bad luck too, because Davie lost Fly to Sandy Big Alec through a kind of trick. The story reaches an exciting climax when Davie helps to capture sheep stealers at Craig Dhu and he and Fly prove to everybody that they belong together.

from the dust jacket

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