Divine Comedy III

Divine Comedy III


Penguin Classics
by Dante Alighieri, Dorothy Sayers (Translator), Barbara Reynolds (Translator)
Publisher: Penguin Classics
Trade Paperback, 400 pages
List Price: $16.00 Sale Price: $13.60

In Paradise, having plunged to the uttermost depths of Hell and climbed the Mount of Purgatory, Dante ascends to Heaven, continuing his soul's search for God, guided by his beloved Beatrice. As he progresses through the spheres of Paradise he grows in understanding, until he finally experiences divine love in the radiant presence of the deity. Examining eternal questions of faith, desire and enlightenment, Dante exercised all his learning and wit, wrath and tenderness in his creation of one of the greatest of all Christian allegories.

Dorothy L. Sayers's landmark translation follows Dante's terza rima stanzas and brings his poetry vividly to life. Her work was completed after her death by Barbara Reynolds, who provides a foreword on the importance of the translation and an introduction on Dante's view of Heaven. This edition also includes a new foreword, updated further reading, notes, appendices, a glossary, diagrams and genealogical tables.

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