

by Margaret Wise Brown, Clement Hurd (Illustrator)
Publisher: Harper & Row
©1960, Item: 88272
Used Price: $48.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

A book by the author and artist of such classics as Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny is certain to find an enthusiastic audience among the youngest of listeners.

From the first page where a mole is digging a hole to the last page where the big differ, a steamshovel, has dug its way through a mountain, The Diggers is filled with almost every sort of digging. And what child does not love to dig—and has not dreamed of the hole he will make which will eventually reach China.

The strong, vibrant pictures and the rhythmic, happy words will capture the hearts and imaginations of all who read, look, or listen.

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