Cultural Mind

Cultural Mind

Collected Essays from Tabletalk Magazine

by Douglas Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Trade Paperback, 347 pages
Current Retail Price: $17.95
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In this collection of essays, Douglas Wilson explores all sorts of areas where the Bible should be applied in our lives—but isn’t. From the home to the public square, from the marriage bed to the pulpit, Doug uses Scriptural wisdom to expose the rot of our modern culture, and to show us how to build a culture with Christ at its center.

  • The wide-ranging topics include:
  • The need to recover masculinity in the church.
  • The slippery slope of sexual perversity.
  • The importance of fighting for and defending civic liberty.
  • The sin of pacifism.
  • The enervating vice of seeker-friendly worship.
  • The dangers of a civil magistrate devoted to keeping us "safe."

Originally written for Tabletalk magazine in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Doug's articles are eerily prophetic, making them more relevant now than ever.

"Men like Kuyper, or Dabney, or Hodge, or Chesterton, or C.S. Lewis...would often describe something that I saw unfolding in our own time, and yet none of them had access to our newspapers. How did they do that?... The answer is not that they were seers, the way that Samuel was. The answer rather was that they were thinkers, the way Augustine was." ~Douglas Wilson, Introduction

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