Crow Boy

Crow Boy

by Taro Yashima
Publisher: Puffin Books
Trade Paperback, 40 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

Chibi has been an outcast since that frightening first day of school when he hid under the schoolhouse. Afraid of the teacher and unable to make any friends, Chibi passes his free time alone--alone at study time, alone at playtime, always a "forlorn little tag-along." But when Mr. Isobe arrives, the teacher sees things in Chibi that no one else has ever noticed...

This 1956 Caldecott Honor book, its lovely ink & watercolor illustrations depicting life in a 1930s era Japanese village, is a beautiful story reminding us to keep our eyes (and ears) open: the most unlikely people around us may have the most amazing gifts. 

An easy book to read, good for young children, and worth rereading.

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