Chronicles of Narnia - Quality Softcover Boxed Set

Chronicles of Narnia - Quality Softcover Boxed Set

by C. S. Lewis, Pauline D. Baynes (Illustrator)
Publisher: HarperCollins
Trade Paperback
List Price: $90.93 Sale Price: $77.29

Seven imaginative and symbolic books about the world of Narnia. Highly recommended!!! This is our middle range Narnia set, quality trade paperbacks with the classic illustrations by Pauline Baynes but in color. The books are sturdy for a longer lifespan, with slightly glossy paper and wider margins for easier reading.

Numbered Chronologically:

Publishing Order:

  1. Magician's Nephew
  2. Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  3. Horse and His Boy
  4. Prince Caspian
  5. Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  6. Silver Chair
  7. Last Battle
  1. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
  2. Prince Caspian
  3. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  4. The Silver Chair
  5. The Horse and His Boy
  6. The Magicians Nephew
  7. The Last Battle

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Exodus Rating:
FLAWS: Mild violence
Summary: British children have seven magical adventures filled with good vs. evil, talking animals and mythical creatures. Don't accept imitations!

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  The Chronicles of Narnia
Emily G. of USA, 1/19/2011
The Chronicles of Narnia, I believe is one of my most engaging book series ever written. It captures the imagination of the child and teaches the heart of the older reader. Behind the colorful stories, there are bibical truths. In the hearts of the characters, there are characteristics that men, women and children all need: faith, loyalty, love, patience, etc... Each of the books in this spectacular series, from "The Magician's Nephew" to "The Last Battle" is sure to keep readers turning pages!
  This Is A Must-have!
Homeschoolgirl, 10/17/2008
The Chronicles of Narnia are absolutely classic, and this set just makes them even better. I personally have never seen another set with color illustrations inside. I received these for Christmas a few years ago and absolutely love them!