Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

Sowers Series
by Bennie Rhodes
Publisher: Mott Media
Trade Paperback, 147 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64
Used Price: $4.00 (3 in stock) Condition Policy

Christopher Columbus' greatest discovery was not the New World. As a young boy Columbus trusted Christ as his Savior and discovered the ways of God. This little-known fact was the reason for his adventurous life.

Columbus felt God wanted him to explore the world and find new land and people so that Christ could be proclaimed. Finding boats and money to make the trip turned into a grueling experience in discouragement. Kings and queens promised and failed him. But Columbus was determined. He had promised God!

Growing up in Italy was exciting. Shipwreck, pirates, and storms marred his early sailing career. But he became an excellent sailor and businessman.

Columbus overcame all problems with God's help, even mutiny and being bound with chains. See through his eyes the dangerous voyage to the New World as you read the words from his diary. Feel the excitement at sighting land and discovering gold. Weep with him over the massacre and troubles. Written as if Columbus is talking, walk beside him in his exciting adventures and let him tell you his unique story.

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