Chocolate Moose for Dinner

Chocolate Moose for Dinner

by Fred Gwynne
Publisher: Aladdin Paperbacks
Trade Paperback, 48 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

English is a crazy language. Though people from other countries recognize that, it often takes us a lot longer to figure it out. But, because it is crazy with all its goofy rules and exceptions, it can be a lot of fun to speak. And nowhere is this more apparent than with homonyms. Kids love to learn words that sound the same but have different meanings—and used in an imaginative context, homonyms help children gain an appreciation for language.

With that in mind, A Chocolate Moose for Dinner is a delightful book. The sayings and the illustrations that accompany those phrases are a joy to read and usually get several laughs from children. A few of the phrases (shoe tree, and the rowing allusions) are more obscure than those in Gwynne's better-known King Who Rained, but they add interest to the book rather than detract. Children love this book and it is sure to be a winner in almost any home.


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