Children of Odin

Children of Odin

The Book of Northern Myths

by Padraic Colum, Willy Pogany (Illustrator)
Publisher: Macmillan
Hardcover, 271 pages
Used Price: $32.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

This collection of Norse sagas, retold by author Padraic Colum, tell of the gods and goddesses who lived in the city of Asgard. They relate stories of Odin all-father who crossed the rainbow bridge to walk among men in Midgard, and of Thor, who defended Asgard with his mighty hammer. Mischievous Loki was constantly getting into trouble with the other gods, and dragons and giants walked free. These tales of Norse mythology would have been told around bright fires to wide-eyed Norse children and now, many generations later, we can enjoy them as much as they did.

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