Call of Duty

Call of Duty

The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee

Leaders in Action Series
by Steve Wilkins
Publisher: Cumberland House
Hardcover, 349 pages
List Price: $16.95 Sale Price: $14.41
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: American Civil War

Charles Bracelon Flood has said that the essence of Robert E. Lee "...was to be found not in what he said, but in what he did. There were dimensions to Lee, but his life was one long response to whatever struck him as being the call of duty."

Duty to care for his mother—duty as a son, a student, a soldier, a husband and father, a general, and a mentor of students at both West Point and Washington College. Duty called to him at every point of his life.

Robert E. Lee was a hero.

In this captivating look at his leadership in action, we see why Lee answered again and again the call of duty he could not ignore.


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Exodus Rating
FLAWS: Violence, overlooks some of Lee's sins as a Confederate general
Summary: This readable biography examines the often ignored Christian side of the brilliant general Robert E. Lee.

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