Buffalo Bill

Buffalo Bill

by Edgar Parin D'Aulaire, Ingri D'Aulaire
Trade Paperback, 41 pages
List Price: $17.95 Sale Price: $15.26
Used Price: $7.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: American West, 1850s-1917 A. D.

Out of print since 1952, Beautiful Feet was pleased to announce their republication of this treasure on the opening of the American West in 1998. Like the other D'Aulaire books, with their fascinating lithography and informative and entertaining text, children and parents alike will be swept up in the drama of the Wild West with its principal character Buffalo Bill. From Indian attacks and buffalo stampedes to the Pony Express and Wild West shows, readers will learn much about this period of America's history.

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Flaws Wild West violence
Summary: The truly wild life of Buffalo Bill—Indian fighter, Pony Express rider, tall tale teller, buffalo hunter, and star of his very own Wild West show.

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  Best Book I Read This Year!
Noah (age 8) of Oregon, 6/9/2016
What I like about this book is that everyone is being nice to each other most of the time, but there are a few fights. Buffalo Bill is a very brave man. There is not anything I dislike about this book. My favorite part was at the end when they had plays and it felt like it was real, but no one really got killed. It just looked like it. It is a very super, super, super duper good book!