Blue Lotus

Blue Lotus

Adventures of Tintin
by Herge
Trade Paperback, 62 pages
List Price: $13.99 Sale Price: $11.89
Used Price: $6.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Tintin travels to Shanghai where he and his dog, Snowy, encounter spies, sabotage, and smugglers.

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Flaws Comic book action, mild racism, opium use
Summary: Tintin finds himself drawn into political intrigue and a smuggling ring when he's kidnapped in India and shanghaied to China.

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  Classic Spy Spoofs in Comic Book Form
Sincerelyornot of Oregon, 10/26/2011
The Tintin comics are the only comic series I have ever read that doesn't take the comedic angle seriously. Its sort of funny, subtle humor, the kind that you always have to think through and rarely laugh out loud over. And the story-lines are extremely convoluted, with more rabbit trails than you can shake a stick at. The pictures illustrate the drama but aren't the focal point, making Tintin more of a novel than a comic book as far as the story-line goes. "The Blue Lotus" is entertaining enough to finish but would be better if it was about half as long.