Black Heart of Indri

Black Heart of Indri

by Dorothy Hoge, Janina Domanska (illustrator)
©1966, Item: 74046
Hardcover, 54 pages
Used Price: $6.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Deep within a forest in the province of the Wise Mandarin, Indri had his home. About his hut grew a profusion of beautiful orchids and beside his door ran the treasured stream of the water of life.

Yet Indri was the "saddest creature in the whole world." For although his mother was a beautiful water sprite, Indri himself had the ill-favoured form of his father, a prince of toads. Perhaps it was his ugliness that caused Indri's heart to grow so black. How Indri is finally transformed physically and spiritually is an enchanting story, both dramatic and tender.

This Chinese fairy tale lends itself perfectly to the pictorial interpretation, which Janina Domanska executes with delicacy and skill.

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