Billy Whiskers

Billy Whiskers

by Frances Trego Montgomery
Publisher: Dover Publications
reprint, ©1969, ISBN: 9780486223452
Trade Paperback, 159 pages
Used Price: $2.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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This is the first and most popular volume of a favorite series of children's books about a rambunctious and irresistible goat –Billy Whiskers –and his many exciting adventures. Billy is mischievous fellow, full of wickedness and folly, whose antics a have a tremendous appeal to children.

The reader follows Billy along as he "Gives the Boys a Ducking in the Mill Pond," "Has a Ride in the Police Patrol Wagon," "Joins the Fire Patrol," meets a pretty Nanny goat, and becomes "A Performer in the Circus." All the original familiar illustrations are included.

Billy's bravery, perseverance and determination help him to get out of scrapes as often as they help him to get into them. When Billy makes up his mind to do a thing. he does it. There is no door or fence that he can't or won't butt down or hurdle. And woe to the unwise person or dog that gets in his way or makes him angry.

Much in the spirit of Peck's Bad Boy, Billy Whiskers is a book that children never tire of reading or hearing. It is fondly remembered today by parents (Robert Kennedy recalled it as his favorite book as a child) who will enjoy reading it again to their children.

Unabridged republication of the first (1902) edition. 3 colored illustrations on covers, 21 black and white drawings by W. H. Fry.

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