Big Green Pocketbook

Big Green Pocketbook

by Candice F. Ransom, Felicia Bond
Publisher: HarperCollins
Trade Paperback, 30 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

I have a big green pocket book, just like Mama’s. When we got on the bus this morning, it was empty because I didn’t know what to fill it with. But each time we made a stop in a store, the store owner gave me things to put in my purse. The banker gives me a lollipop. The jewelry man gives me a keychain. The candy lady gives me a bag of gumdrops. But on the way home, I lose my big green pocket book on the bus. My whole morning is in my pocketbook, and now it’s gone! What am I going to do?

This is a simple, slice-of-life story about a little girl going to town with her mother. With charming illustrations by the same illustrator of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, this book is sure to be a favorite.

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