Belles On Their Toes

Belles On Their Toes

by Frank Gilbreth, Ernestine Gilbreth Carey
Publisher: HarperCollins
Trade Paperback, 225 pages
List Price: $15.99 Sale Price: $13.59

Life is very different in the rambling Gilbreth house. When the youngest was two and the oldest eighteen, Dad dies and Mother bravely takes over his business. To keep the family together, everyone has to pitch in and pinch pennies. The resourceful clan rises to every crisis with a marvelous sense of fun—whether it's battling chicken pox, giving the boot to an unwelcome boyfriend, or even meeting the President. And the few distasteful things they can't overcome—like castor oil—they swallow with good humor and good grace. Belles On Their Toes is a warm, wonderful, and entertaining sequel to Cheaper by the Dozen.

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Summary: The dozen Gilbreth children band together to support the family now that Dad is dead.

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  A Great Sequel
HappyHomemaker of Oregon, 7/7/2011
I was so excited when I found this book! Belles on Their Toes is a fun sequel to Cheaper By The Dozen. It starts out right after their father died, and the oldest, Anne, has to take care of 10 children with limited funds while her mother makes an important speech overseas. It goes all the way until the youngest graduates from college. Times are trying for the family, but they take each setback with grace and humor, and work together to succeed against the odds. Need fertilizer for the garden, but have no money? Their handyman, Tom, says no problem. He and two boys sneak out and collect horse dung from the streets when no one is looking! It's full of funny and touching stories, and I laughed in every chapter. If you've read the first, read this one. If you haven't, get both!