Bacchae and Other Plays

Bacchae and Other Plays

Penguin Classics
by Euripides, John Davies (Translator)
Publisher: Penguin Classics
Trade Paperback, 360 pages
List Price: $12.00 Sale Price: $10.20

Through their sheer range, daring innovation, flawed but eloquent characters and intriguing plots, the plays of Euripides have shocked and stimulated audiences since the fifth century B.C. Phoenician Women portrays the rival sons of King Oedipus and their mother's doomed attempts at reconciliation, while Orestes shows a son ravaged with guilt after the vengeful murder of his mother. In The Bacchae, a king mistreats a newcomer to his land, little knowing that he is the god Dionysus disguised as a mortal, while in Iphigenia at Aulis, the Greek leaders take the horrific decision to sacrifice a princess to gain favor from the gods in their mission to Troy. Finally, the Rhesus depicts a world of espionage between the warring Greek and Trojan camps.

John Davies's vibrant translations are accompanied by an introduction by Richard Rutherford discussing Athenian tragedy and Euripides' dramatic career. This edition also includes a timeline, prefaces to each play, notes, a glossary and guidance to further reading.

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