Astronauts on the Moon - Hallmark Pop-Up Book

Astronauts on the Moon - Hallmark Pop-Up Book

The Story of the Apollo Moon Landings

by Stanley Hendricks, Al Muenchen (Illustrator)
Item: 90619
Hardcover, 18 pages
Used Price: $12.80 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Now young space enthusiasts can join the Apollo astronauts in a flight to the moon through the magic of three-dimensional action illustrations.

Here, in realistic color, is the fiery lift-off, the docking in space, the moon landing, and many other fascinating maneuvers to take part in. Here, too. is an amazing scale model of the lunar module that unfolds right before your eyes.

Astronauts on the Moon both entertains and instructs. Its text is informative. Its illustrations are accurate as well as fun. This exciting space book is a delightful experience for children of all ages. It's a book to be enjoyed and played with-again and again.

Born in Cincinnati, Al Muenchen now lives in Rowdaton, Connecticut. He is married and has two daughters.

Stanley Hendricks is also the editor of Apples of Gold and A Child's Rhymes. He lives in Kansas City, Missouri.

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