Arthur's New Power

Arthur's New Power

by Russell Hoban, Byron Barton (Illustrator)
1st Edition, ©1978, ISBN: 9780690013719
Library Binding, 40 pages
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

When Arthur Crocodile plugs in his Dracula Hi-Vamp electric guitar and blacks out the house for the third time in one week, the entire Crocodile family agree to take drastic measures. But giving up their appliances –the electric toothbrushes, the TV, the reducing machine, the Slimmo Electronic Wonder Massage –is no easy matter. The quiet is driving them crazy. Not only that, Arthur is behaving unnaturally. His cheeks are rosy, and he's actually reading books!

The irrepressible hero of Russell Hoban's Dinner at Alberta's returns in a timely tale of life's simple –and not so simple –pleasures. With droll and witty pictures by Byron Barton, this hilarious account of how Arthur and his family confront an energy crisis in their very own home is a gentle lesson to us all on the problems of too much "plugging in."

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