Arabian Nights II

Arabian Nights II

More Marvels and Wonders of The Thousand and One Nights

Signet Classics
by Sir Richard F. Burton (Translator), Jack Zipes (Adapter)
Publisher: Signet Classics
Mass market paperback, 448 pages
List Price: $8.95 Sale Price: $7.61

Some nights you wish would never end . . .

This modern edition adapted from Sir Richard F. Burton's lavish unexpurgated (unpurified) translation—and the companion volume to the highly popular Signet Classic edition of Arabian Nights, also edited and adapted by Jack Zipes—once again illuminates the sensual mystery and lushness of the original Arabic tales. This volume includes a wide variety of tales representing distinctive genres—not just magic fairy tales, but also erotic tales, all revealing a great deal about the customs and societies in the Middle East during the Medieval era. Here are tales such as "The Porter and the Three Ladies," "The Caliph's Night Adventure," "The Sleeper and the Waker," "The Woman Who Made Her Husband Sift Dirt," "The Rake's Trick Against the Chaste Wife," and "The Man Who Never Laughed During the Rest of His Days." In Jack Zipes's hands, these stories-within-stories, told over the course of a thousand and one nights, come to vivid life in new and often surprising ways.


Introduction: The Morning After

A Note on the Text

  1. The Caliph's Night Adventure
    The Story of the Blind Man, Baba Abdullah 
    The Story of Sidi Nu'uman 
    The Story of Khwajah Hasan al-Habbal
  2. The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad 
    The First Calendar's Tale 
    The Second Calendar's Tale 
    The Tale of the Envier and the Envied 
    The Third Calendar's Tale 
    The Eldest Sister's Tale 
    The Doorkeeper's Tale
  3. The Sleeper and the Walker 
    The Story of the Scoundrel and the Cook
  4. The Craft and Malice of Women, or the Tale of the King, His Son, His Concubine, and the Seven Viziers 
    The King and the Vizier's Wife 
    The Confectioner, His Wife, and the Parrot 
    The Fuller and His Son 
    The Rake's Trick Against the Chaste Wife 
    The Miser and the Loaves of Bread 
    The Lady and Her Two Lovers 
    The King's Son and the Ogress 
    The Drop of Honey 
    The Woman Who Made Her Husband Sift Dirt 
    The Enchanted Spring 
    The Vizier's Son and the Hammam-Keeper's Wife 
    The Wife's Plan to Cheat Her Husband 
    The Goldsmith and the Cashmere Singing Girl 
    The Man Who Never Laughed During the Rest of His Days 
    The King's Son and the Merchant's Wife 
    The Page Who Pretended to Know the Speech of Birds 
    The Lady and Her Five Suitors 
    The Three Wishes, or the Man Who Longed to See the Night of Power 
    The Stolen Necklace 
    The Two Pigeons 
    The House with the Belvedere 
    The Prince and the Ifrit's Mistress 
    The Sandalwood Merchant and the Thieves 
    The Womanizer and the Three-Year-Old Child 
    The Stolen Purse 
    The Fox and the Folk
  5. Abdulla the Fisherman and Abdullah the Merman
  6. The Tale of Zayn al-Asnam
  7. The Ten Viziers. or the Story of King Azadbakht and His Son 
    The Story of the Merchant Who Lost His Luck 
    The Tale of the Merchant and His Sons 
    The Story of Abu Sabir 
    The Story of PrinceBihzad 
    The Story of King Dadbin and His Vizers 
    The Story of King Bakhtzaman 
    The Story of King Bihzard 
    The Story of Aylan Shah and Abu Tammam 
    The Story of King Ibrahim and His Son 
    The Story of King Sulayman Shah and His Niece 
    The Story of the Prisoner and How Allah Granted Him Relief
  8. The Tale of Al-Malik al-Nasir and the Three Chiefs of Police 
    The Story of the Chief of Police of Cairo 
    The Tale of the Chief of the Bulak Police 
    The Story of the Chief of the Forstat Police 
    The Thief and the Money-Changer 
    The Chief of the Kus Police and the Highwayman
  9. Fables 
    The Mouse and the Cat 
    The Fish and the Crab 
    The Crow and the Serpent 
    The Wild Ass and the Jackal 
    The Crows and the Hawk 
    The Spider and the Wind 
    The Jackals and the Wolf 
    The Partridge and the Tortoises



Selected Bibliography

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