Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables

Anne #1
by L. M. Montgomery
Publisher: Bantam Books
Mass market paperback, 336 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79
"She'll have to go back."

Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert have decided to adopt an orphan. They want a nice sturdy boy to help Matthew with the farm chores. The orphanage sends a girl instead—a mischievous, talkative redhead who the Cuthberts are sure will be of no use at all. But as soon as Anne arrives at the snug white farmhouse called Green Gables, she knows she wants to stay forever. And the longer Anne stays, the harder it is for anyone to imagine Green Gables without her.

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Summary: The Cuthberts get a girl orphan instead of a boy, and Anne "with an E" Shirley turns their lives upside down.

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  You HAVE To Read This Book
Ajf of Kalamazoo, 6/2/2016
Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorite books. I have a lot of favorite books,but this one is close to the top of the list. I like it because I have red hair and I daydream a lot too. I also like it because I think it's funny how Anne keeps getting into trouble. I also think it's funny when she asks Marilla to call her Anne spelled with an E. And it's super-duper-ooper-schmooper funny when she cracks her slate over Gilbert Blythe's head. If you haven't already, You Have To Read This Book.