Ann Thorne in America

Ann Thorne in America

by Rosamond Bertram
©1948, Item: 92641
Hardcover, 192 pages
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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From the dust jacket:

Readers of Ann Thorne – Reporter will welcome a further series of this lively and likeable heroine's adventures. Sent to "cover" the trial of an Englishman for murder in the States, Ann paves a way for herself by a piece of detective work on the liner which takes her to New York. Arrived at the scene of the trial, she is present at the murder in full Court of a witness about to establish an alibi for the Englishman. Luck, and a chance acquaintance of the New York underworld, provide Ann with the opportunity to help unmask those responsible for both these crimes. Being granted a holiday by her paper, she sets off for Hollywood, but sympathy for a fellow-journalist down on her luck deflects Ann from her purpose and provides her with a pleasant ending to her own American journey.

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