American Family of the Civil War Era - Paper Dolls

American Family of the Civil War Era - Paper Dolls

by Tom Tierney
Publisher: Dover Publications
Mass market paperback
Current Retail Price: $11.99
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Recapture the flavor and drama of 1860 with an American family of nine paper dolls and 36 authentic Civil War era costumes. Hoop skirts and off-the-shoulder dresses for the ladies; military uniforms, cravats and waistcoats for the man. Descriptive notes.

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  Paper Dolls: Civil War Edition!
Sincerelyornot of Oregon, 11/30/2011
These were my sister's favorites, so much so, she never cut them out. No, we didn't get the Abraham lincoln dolls, much to my dismay, but some people seemed to subconsiously feel they'd crowd out the southern belles in our make-believe ball. Its only appropriate that the wedding dress is on the oover - its the prettiest of the series. That;s the beauty of paper dolls, you can cut them out and play with them, make tracings to color in yourself, or just enjoy looking through the pages.